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MED45822 MED65822
MED55822 MED85822
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Österreich:Shipping cost € 11,40 incl. VAT.Free shipping from € 99,00 incl. VAT.
Deutschland:Shipping cost € 11,40 incl. VAT.Free shipping from € 99,00 incl. VAT.
German English
A chair for all purposesADHD, ALS, Amputation, Stroke,arthritis, back problems,balance disorders,cerebral palsy, multi sclerosis,Muscular dystrophy,More info
to offermagnetic therapy device_________________Inhalation device
_________________Continuus Passive Motion machine
_________________Paraffin bath
Magnetic Field Therapy device
__________________Vibration Training
Arm- and leg Trainer_____________________Ultrasound device
________________________Wall bars_________________________UVB Therapy devices_________________________Foil mirror_________________________Iontophereses device
______________________Movement trainer
Therapy couch________________________
UV comb _______________________